New students are accepted into Hopewell Baptist Academy only if they and their parents are faithful members of Hopewell Baptist Church. Parents wishing to enroll their children in HBA should obtain application forms and a Student Handbook from the school office.
Selection of students is based partly on past achievement, the testing program and interviews with the adminisstration and openings in their grade. Family life, church status, general behavior, and character references are carefully considered. A pledge by parents to back the authority of the school to insist that their child abide by the policies of the school and to promote a spirit of cooperation if necessary for admission.
After the parent and prospective student have read the handbook and completed the forms, an appointment should be made for an interview with the Pastor. Upon completion of the interview, provided the requirements for acceptance have been met, financial agreements must be made to the financial secretary. All new students will be on a six-week probation.
1. Faithful attendance to all services of Hopewell Baptist Church.
2. Agreement with the Biblical standards and convictions that are presented from the pulpit of HBC.
3. Cooperation and loyalty in word, deed, and attitude to the leadership of HBC.
4. A minimum of 3 months faithful attendance at HBC is required prior to student enrollment.
5. Some exceptions may be granted when families move to HBC from a church of like faith. Exceptions will be limited to the judgement of the Pastor.
6. Faithful, weekly involvement in one of the soul winning ministries of HBC.
Those entering K-4 must be four years old on or before September 1st. Those entering K-5 must be five years old on or before December 1st. Those entering first grade are required to have satisfactorily completed K-5.
Registration Fee
Due: June 1st - $200 per student
School & Book Fee
Due: July 1st - $300 per student
Due: August - May on the 1st of each month - $275 per student ($137.50 for K-4/K-5 students)
(Discount available for households enrolling four or more children.)
The school day will be:
Tuesday-Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Teacher supervision begins at 7:45 am. Students are to be picked up not later than 4:15 pm.